- 1 Скачать Sims 2 (Симс 2) + все дополнения торрент бесплатно
- 2 Increasing Available Memory
- 3 Step 1: Inspect Your Config Log
- 4 Step 2: Download the 4GB Patch
- 5 Step 4: Make Sure it Worked
- 6 Troubleshooting
- 7 My Memory Still Won’t Update (DISC VERSION)
Симс 2 (The Sims 2) – симулятор жизни, в котором вы можете создать семью, построить дом, устроиться в одном из трех обширных городков, и просто пожить жизнью, которой мечтали бы зажить в реальности…Главная же особенность этой игры заключается в том, что здесь вам предоставляется полная свобода действий. Вы можете делать все, что захотите: отправиться на отдых в парк, погулять по двору возле собственного дома, устроить на работу тем, кем захотите, жениться, завести детей, устроить вечеринку, отправиться в гости или просто понаблюдать за небом, выжидая прилета инопланетян. Здесь можно все без исключения, и никто вам не указ – разве что закон…Но начинать придется с малого. Например, в режиме песочницы вам первым делом нужно будет создать персонажей. Вы можете создать одинокого персонажа (женщину или мужчину), а можете создать пару, брата с сестрой, мужа с женой, или даже целую семью. Ну а дальше, после выбора города, вы отправитесь на его просторы со стартовой денежной суммой, на которую должны будете приобрести жилье. Причем, есть два варианта: приобрести готовое жилье, или же взять участок и построить на нем дом таким, каким хотите его видеть. Ну а дальше все как в реальной жизни. В Симс 2 вы можете устроиться на работу, подняться по карьерной лестнице, начать зарабатывать большие деньги, подружиться с кем-либо из соседей или даже развестись и заново жениться. Но не забывайте и о главном: персонажи нуждаются в еде, они ходят в туалет, они хотят развлекаться, ненавидят одиночество, и все время имеют какие-то цели. Кстати, за достижение цели вы получите награду, которую мотом можно вложить в бессмертие персонажа, или приобретение какого-нибудь особенного предмета.
</center><center>Скачать торрент (8.35 Гб)</center>RePack от R.G. Механики— Ничего не вырезано / не перекодировано- В раздаче содержаться все дополнения + история (устанавливается отдельно)Раздача содержит дополнения: — The Sims 2: University (Симс 2: Университет) — The Sims 2: Nightlife (Симс 2: Ночная жизнь) — The Sims 2: Open for Business (Симс 2: Бизнес) — The Sims 2: Pets (Симс 2: Питомцы) — The Sims 2: Seasons (Симс 2: Времена года) — The Sims 2: Bon Voyage (Симс 2: Путешествия) — The Sims 2: FreeTime (Симс 2: Увлечения) — The Sims 2: Apartment Life (Симс 2: Переезд в квартиру) — The Sims 2: Happy Holiday Stuff (Симс 2: Всё для праздника — Каталог) — The Sims 2: Family Fun Stuff (Симс 2: Для дома и семьи — Каталог) — The Sims 2: Glamour Life Stuff (Симс 2: Гламурная жизнь — Каталог) — The Sims 2: Celebration! Stuff (Симс 2: Торжества! — Каталог) — The Sims 2: H&M Fashion Stuff (Симс 2: Стиль H&M® — Каталог) — The Sims 2: Teen Style Stuff (Симс 2: Молодёжный стиль — Каталог) — The Sims 2: Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff (Симс 2: Кухня и ванная. Дизайн интерьера — Каталог) — The Sims 2: IKEA Home Stuff (Симс 2: Идеи от IKEA — Каталог) — The Sims 2: Mansion & Garden Stuff (Симс 2: Сады и Особняки — Каталог)The Sims Stories содержит: — The Sims: Life Stories (The Sims Житейские Истории) — The Sims: Pet Stories (The Sims Истории о Питомцах) — The Sims: Castaway Stories (The Sims Истории Робинзонов)Системные требованияОС: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 Процессор: Pentium 4 (2.4 ГГц) или аналогичный Athlon 64 2800 Оперативная память: 512 Мб Видеокарта: 64 Мб и более Место на диске: 11.8 Гб + 7.92 Гб (The Sims Stories) Год выхода: 2004 Жанр: симулятор Разработчик: EA Games Тип: RePack Версия: полная версия (Последняя) + все дополнения Язык интерфейса: русский Язык озвучки: симлийский Таблетка: Не требуется <center>
Скачать Sims 2 (Симс 2) + все дополнения торрент бесплатно
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- Стратегии / Симуляторы / От 3-го лица / Открытый мир / Игра на русском / Слабый ПК / Полная версия
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When I switched over to Windows 10, I was so upset that I couldn’t get the game to run smoothly. My graphics were flashing pink or blue, and I would crash every time I tried to take my Sim to a different lot. If you’re having the same problem, it’s an easy fix! And if that doesn’t work, there are several other things you can try listed below. This article contains EVERYTHING I KNOW about getting your game to work on Windows 10.Last updated: 12/18/2019 with D9VK fix
Increasing Available Memory
The Sims 2 is an old game and it only uses 2GB of your available memory. You need a special patch for the game to access 4GB in Windows 10. When installed properly, you won’t run out of memory while you play and your game won’t crash and your graphics won’t flash pink anymore.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get your game running again with no crashes and no flashing graphics.
Step 1: Inspect Your Config Log
First, I’ll show you how to make sure this is what’s causing your problem. And when we’re done, I’ll show you how to make sure it really worked.
Documents > EA Games > The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection > Logs
NOTE: If you don’t have the UC, the path will be the same. It will just say “The Sims 2” only instead of “The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection.”
Find the log file that looks like the one above. It will be the name of your computer followed by -config-log.
Open the file. It will look like this:
Look for the rows that say “Memory” and “Free Memory.” If your game is only using 2GB, it will say 2048 here instead of 4096.
NOTE: I have already installed the patch in my game, so that’s why the memory shows 4096 in this screenshot.
If your log file says 2048 MB, installing the 4GB patch will fix the problem. Congratulations! Let’s fix it!
Step 2: Download the 4GB Patch
Visit the NTCORE website to download the 4GB patch.
Your file explorer will then open up. Navigate to the following location:
Windows (C:) > Program Files (x86) > Origin Games > The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection > Fun with Pets > SP9 > TSBin
If you have the disc version of the game instead of the UC, navigate to this location:
Windows (C:) > Program Files (x86) > EA Games > The Sims 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff > TSBin
NOTE: If you don’t have Mansion and Garden Stuff, navigate to the TSBin of the most recent expansion pack you have.
Select the .exe of your game in this folder, and then click “Open.” You should get a pop-up that looks like this:
Click OK and the box will disappear.
A backup .exe file should have been created in your TSBin folder. That’s normal, so don’t worry about it. This means your game is successfully patched.
Step 4: Make Sure it Worked
Load your game and allow it to load to the neighborhood selection screen (at least). This will update your config log.
Close your game and return to your desktop.
Open up your config log from your documents folder again (as in step 1). It should now say 4096 in the memory line.
Congratulations! The Sims 2 will now run on Windows 10 and your days of crashing and flashing pink graphics are over.
The 4GB Patch Won’t Apply (Memory Does Not Change in Log)
Recently a Patron of mine was having trouble getting the 4GB patch to apply. We tried literally everything I could think of and her memory would not change in the Config Log. I have had several comments and emails about this too.
Here’s how we fixed it and got her playing right away.
Drag the .exe file from your TS Bin to your desktop and apply the 4GB patch there. Check your log file to make sure it applied. Your memory should be updated. Then you can use the shortcut you just created on your desktop by dragging it there to play the game.
Moving the .Exe File – DISC VERSION ONLY!
If you have the disc version of the game, it might be necessary to move the .exe file to another folder. I have no idea why this is necessary for some computers and not others. If nothing else works, try this!
Make a backup of your folders before you do this in case you screw something up. I warned you. Also, please note if you have the Ultimate Collection this will not work for you!
The patch will automatically apply to the TSBin. Cut and paste the Sims2EP9.exe file into the CSBin.
The CSBin directory is shown above. If this doesn’t work for you, move the .exe file back into TSBin (or restore from backup) and try something else.
Graphics Rules Maker
Everyone using Windows 10 to play The Sims 2 should use the graphics rules maker.
This program is easy to install and makes “rules” for the game to follow so that it recognizes your graphics card. This will allow you to play in 1920 x 1080 resolution and make your game look the best it possibly can. See the creator’s website for further instructions. Make sure to read everything to ensure your settings are correct.
Direct X 9.0 Error After Using Graphics Rules Maker
If you get a Direct X or Access Violation error trying to run your game after using Graphics Rules Maker, you need to download a separate fix.
There’s one version for UC and one version for discs. There are fixes available for both Nvidia and Radeon graphics cards. Read the instructions carefully before installing.
My Game Won’t Start
If you’re game doesn’t start at all after applying the patch and using the graphics rules maker, you most likely need to delete your cache files. Navigate to:
C:UsersCindyDocumentsEA GamesThe Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection
You will see two files in this folder at the very bottom:
- Accessory.cache
- Groups.cache
Delete both of them and start your game again. Don’t worry! This is completely safe and your game will generate new cache files after you start it up.
To prevent having to do this again, see the instructions here for making your cache files read-only. You will never have to delete them again. If you don’t do this, you may have to delete the files again the next time your game doesn’t start. No big deal, but a little annoying.
My Memory Still Won’t Update (DISC VERSION)
If you’ve made it all the way to the end of this tutorial and your memory STILL doesn’t update, there is one more fix that seems to work for even the most severe cases. You need to use a No-CD crack. (Don’t worry it’s perfectly legal since you own the discs.)
- Replace your .exe file with the more flexible version found on this page: http://www.leefish.nl/mybb/showthread.php?tid=7800&pid=40665#pid40665
- Click on the “No CD Hack for M&G” to download.
- Rename Sims2EP9.exe to Sims2EP9.___exe.
- Copy the new .exe file you downloaded into your CSBin folder (where the original is).
- Apply the patch to the new .exe file and try again. You may need to apply the patch on the desktop and then move to CSBin if that doesn’t work.
If you’ve exhausted every other option, there’s one more thing you can try. Don’t ask me how or why this works, but it seems to do the trick when none of the other options work. When Mr. Pleasant couldn’t play Sims 2 on his new computer, this was the only thing that stopped the crashing and purple soup.
Again, I understand nothing of WHY this works. Just follow the steps and see if if works for you is all I can say. Something about wrappers…
- Go to this website: https://git.froggi.es/joshua/d9vk/-/jobs
- Download the most recent set of artifacts. Right now it’s #960 but that will change as more recent versions are uploaded. Click the download button on the first row to download.
- Open the file you downloaded and find the folder called x32. (It doesn’t matter if you have a 64-bit system or not. You want the files in the x32 folder.)
- Copy all six of the DLL files from this folder and paste them in C:Program Files (x86)Origin GamesThe Sims 2 Ultimate CollectionFun with PetsSP9TSBin folder or your most recent expansion pack’s TSBin folder if you don’t have the UC. BACKUP this folder before pasting the new DLLs in – just in case you have a problem and need to revert back.
- Allow these files to overwrite the current DLLs.
Now start your game and try again. Hopefully you can play without any crashing!
IMPORTANT: If you have an older computer that doesn’t support Vulkan, this step won’t work for you. Use this Vulkan tester to see if your system is compatible: https://github.com/skeeto/vulkan-test If you get a success message, you’re good! If not, you won’t be able to use the D9VK fix.
If I find more information that might help, I will add it to this article in the future. If these fixes work for you (or if you have any problems), leave a comment below and let me know!
—> —>НовинкиVR ИгрыПро ЗомбиПро ВойнуMarvelDCНа двоихДля девочекДля детейТоррент игры » PC » Симуляторы</td></tr></table> Год выпуска: 2010 Жанр: Симулятор Разработчик: Фанаты Издатель: Фанаты Язык интерфейса: Английский Таблэтка: Не требуется The Sims 2 Downloads — по-настоящему гигантский сборник разнообразных модификаций для «Sims 2», представленный в качестве отдельной папки «Downloads». Внутри вы найдёте бесчисленное количество новых причёсок, косметику, лучшую (по мнению автора) одежду для всех категорий симов (как взрослых, так и детей), сотни различных предметов (которые станут достойным украшением вашей обители), а также симы, симы и еще раз симы! Все предметы были взяты с различных интернет-ресурсов, как платных, так и нет!
Скриншоты к игре:
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—> —> Используемые источники:
- https://vsetor.org/540-the-sims-2.html
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- https://gamestracker.org/torrents/pc/simuljatory/the_sims_2_downloads/10-1-0-23341